Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Look who's 4 months!

It is hard to believe Kolby is 4 months old .....we go today to get his shots.... I have to take all the kids since school is out. I am hoping the girls don't cry when they see their brother get his shots...don't need Kelli having flashbacks from when she got hers HA! He is still just as sweet as ever and always has a smile for his mom! I was getting him to laugh the other night it was so cute. The girls are still enthralled with him...the newness hasn't worn off. I feel he gets a lot of tough love! Here are some pictures of our chunky monkey! The girls were so excited for me to see Kolby.....they had put a little bracelet on Kolby's head and insisted on me taking a picture because they thought he was so cute....all I can say is "Sorry buddy....this will probably be the start of many dress-up sessions!" I always tell Shane "It will be OK....my brother turned out fine and he had 5 sisters and we always had him dressed up!"

Kelli's Preschool Graduation

Kelli had her little graduation and they entertained the parents by singing cute songs and just being themselves. I put the video on the blog for everyone that couldn't be there that wanted to see her. She is so excited to be going to school and riding the bus. So here are some pictures of Kelli and her friends that we carpooled with throughout the year....these three are so funny! When I would drive them to school I would usually hear them discussing Jesus or Parker would be making Kelli and McKenna laugh by making gassing sounds (yes he is all boy!) and of course the girls would giggle and tell him to do it again. They both came over the other day and played they also helped me make cinnamon rolls and cookies....Parker went and put the apron on himself..

Oh, How I love to Paint!

I really say that jokingly... We decided to move the girls into one room and free up another for mister Kolby... So to get the girls excited to share a room, I told them we could paint the room....so off to home depot we went and they picked out a lovely light pink. In my mind I seriously thought that this would take one night.....(crazy thinking I know!) I taped off the room (I hate prep work!) put sheets down and started painting....when shane got home he found a frazzled and depressed wife....the room was sooooooo pink! Shane helped paint around the corners etc. and told me we were going to have to get another gallon of paint.....so off to home depot the next day. Well I was talking to the lady that mixes the paint....next thing you know I am coming home with a shade lighter.....(Ballerina Gown....yes that's the name, of course Kelli loved that!) Shane didn't know I got a different color of paint so when he started trimming it out I heard him yelling my name.....I thought "oh no....he noticed...ha ha ha" Well to make a long story short...I had to go back a 3rd time and get another gallon of the lighter paint....and finally we had a painted room. I had a bought a stencil to do a border around the room...thought that would be an hour job.....yes 7 hrs later it was finished...I seriously have to recalculate my timing on projects now that I have 3 children! In fact, I would say no projects equal happy mom. ha!

The Baby Has Graduated!

Well, it has finally happened.....my parents will officially be empty nesters.....we don't talk much about this with my mom....she is having a hard time thinking that she and my dad will now be invited to have family home evening with the other empty nesters. All the siblings were able to come to Erin's graduation so my mom planned on having family pictures taken. Let's just say we hope they turn out. With that many people it was pretty comical trying to get all the grand kids to look and the parents to just stay looking at the photographer....needless to say there were a lot of threats and bribes for ice cream afterwards if they would "just smile one more time for the picture!" Vale, Oregon had a heatwave that weekend and it was so HOT!! It reached 100 degrees.... Erin had a lovely graduation, she and a few of her friends sang at the graduation and they sounded perfect. She will be off to go to school at the Paul Mitchell Academy (I'm secretly happy about this since she told me she will show me how to do a few cuts!) after the hair school she will be going to BYU, Idaho. Erin, we are very proud of you!

Monday, May 12, 2008

OK.... a few weeks ago Kolby slept through the night...oh it was joyous I awoke the next day and felt so good and that was all it took. I looked at the weather report on a Friday and decided I would have a little lunch party on Monday (it had to be Monday because it was to be the nicest day). So I didn't have time for invitations I just decided to start calling people. Next thing you know I was frying up 80 hot dogs...I guess everyone needed a little lunch and some chat time while the kids played. I had a great time the day was perfect....even a little hot...so next time we'll make it a lunch / water party! The little girls were so excited for the party and were asking me when we could have another one.... I keep checking the weather for another nice day. So keep beginning of June open....maybe it will be warm then! (oh just a side note Kolby hasn't slept through the night since.)

We have been riding our bikes a lot lately and it has been so much fun. The other weekend we rode to the park and had a picnic and flew kites it was so relaxing and Shane and I enjoyed being with the children. This Friday before we could go biking again we had to get some projects done around the house. One of them was staining all the wood work out in the backyard. Of course it was windy, the girls asked me why we had to do this...so I thought, oh teaching moment..."because it is so important to take care of the things God has given us." I think that God was really teaching me patience. I started off dipping there paint brushes in the stain for them.....but every 30 sec. they were asking me to do it again... so finally I ended up giving them there own can of stain and letting them do it themselves... so we have stain drips and runs on most of the wood....and I just tell myself it doesn't matter. Although it drives me crazy being a perfectionist. Why does obtaining patience have to be so hard?